Make Health
Your Habit



What We Offer

For adventurers, for people in Zurich and for companies.

Your body is a temple

You are unique and full of beauty, talent and energy. Your body is a temple, a masterpiece consisting of body, mind and spirit. 

Templeshape gives equal attention to the three levels. The community forms the framework. With like-minded people you do what you love: doing sports and yoga in nature. Have brunch and laugh together at the large wooden table or on picnic blankets in the shade.

Our story

We are Mira and Dani - two best friends from the Zurich area.

In 2017 we started our Fitness & Brunch concept, where our temple shapers first do bootcamp workouts with Dani and then enjoy a healthy feast prepared by Mira.

From day 1, our temple shapers asked us when we were going to turn this into a retreat. In 2020 the time had come...