in Boutique Studio
Yoga for everyone
One thing in advance: You don’t need to be “flexible” to come to yoga with us!
In unseren Stunden erwartet dich eine Variation aus verschiedenen Yoga Stilrichtungen für alle Niveaus. Im Stundenplan findest du alle Stilrichtungen und die dazugehörigen Zeiten und Tage.
Bei uns gibt es weder Angeber, noch faule Yoginis. Alle arbeiten an sich und ihren Zielen oder kommen auch einfach einmal um loszulassen, reinzuschnuppern, abzuschalten oder um neue Leute zu treffen.
In all lessons we combine breathing with movements and thus work on stabilization, mobility and attention, as well as on strength and resilience.
You will learn different methods for getting into the HERE and NOW, which you may also be able to use in everyday life.
We'll take care of your yoga mat and other additional materials - just bring yourself and be open to a new experience.
The Templeshape Community represents a family environment and we look forward to welcoming you. After the lesson there is still time for a chat and a drink.

Take it easy
4 hours
4 hours freely choose between boot camp, yoga or Pilates.
22,25 CHF pro Stunde.
Commitment Club
8 hours
8 hours of free choice between boot camp, yoga or Pilates.
16.12 CHF per hour.
10 hours of free choice between boot camp, yoga or Pilates.
From 8 CHF per hour.
Individual lesson
1 hour
One hour of boot camp, yoga or Pilates.
28 CHF per hour.
10 card
10 hours
10 hours of free choice between boot camp, yoga or Pilates.
25.80 CHF per hour.
Templeshape locations
Our yoga sessions take place at the following locations:
- In our studio at Manessestrasse 120 (indoor),
- at the Rentenwiese (outdoor in summer)
Our fantastic team
At Templeshape, we select our trainers based on their competence, openness and warmth.

What's waiting for you:
Eine spielerische Stunde, in der wir an unserer Kraft, Beweglichkeit und Technik für das erlernen eines gesunden und ästhetischen Handstands schleifen. Beginner bis Intermediate friendly!

What's waiting for you:
Connecting body, mind and breath through yoga exercises and breathing techniques inspired by Katonah Yoga. This allows your energy to flow freely, you achieve well-being and develop your potential.

A varied and flowy Vinyasa yoga class in which you use your breath in a targeted manner and perceive your body in space through the interplay of tension and relaxation.

Ich bemühe mich, stets eine liebevolle und ruhige Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in der du zu dir finden kannst. Während der Hatha Stunde lernst du, wie du dich durch verschiedene Asana-Positionen bewegst und dabei deinen Atem als Leitfaden nutzt.