Sep 23

What is Yogalates Fusion Workout?


What is Yogalates?

Yogalates is a fusion workout of yoga and Pilates.

If you are tired of constantly switching back and forth between the relaxing stretches of the Yoga on the one hand and the strengthening movements of the Pilates on the other hand, you have come to the right place.

In this blog post, I explore the best of two alternative worlds and show you how bending, stretching and becoming flexible can make your body more resilient, powerful and flexible.

No more clear training routines - instead we're moving towards effective and entertaining disciplines.

Whether you're already experienced in yoga or Pilates or are completely new to the field, I will help you master the fusion of the two and create the fulfilling experience of a regular workout that gives you the strength, calmness and fitness feeling you've always wanted.

So, Miss or Mister impatient, push the carpet aside, take a deep breath and let the hit feelings arise that can bring you training happiness.

I. The principles of Yogalates Fusion

Slightly annoyed by the same routine over and over again?

Then Air Yogalates could be just the thing for you – an optimal mix of bodywork and yoga for a strong, flexible and relaxed existence.

As an innovative fitness concept that builds on the elementary skills of both training methods, Air Yogalates not only makes you fit, but also calmer.

The whole-body approach of Air Yogalates as a combined sports method in terms of stability, mobility and mindfulness is the ultimate endurance test in terms of balance and harmony for anyone who sticks to the topic.

Enough of the dignified fitness look and get started on the balanced mix of rest and strength with Air Yogalates.

1. Breathing and core stability

A principle of Yogalates Fusion, also known as Air Yogalates, is the change of breath and the use of the torso area.

You can improve your mind-body balance while creating a stable base for all poses (asanas) by coordinating breathing and movement, especially core stability.

Combining breath and core stability is important for stable balance and aligned pose.

So, next time you do your next pose or Pilates move, remember to breathe deeply and sync your core like your life depends on it!

2. The moment of symbiosis

Where music and Pilates kiss, where we fall in love with the carefully trained stretching of body parts, the whole thing culminates in the controlled movement and the subtle transitions between the individual poses.

This is a good argument for focusing on the small details in your workout routine.

3. Body awareness and freedom from injury

A conscious approach allows you to tune into your body and improve your body awareness.

At the same time, you consciously and precisely avoid injuries through precisely guided movements.

4. Deepening home training

Incorporating yogalates into your home workout routine will allow you to deepen your practice and fully focus on each workout session, both mentally and physically.

This will give you a more fulfilling and rewarding training result.

So, grab your mat, find your center and enjoy the experience of the symbiosis between yoga and Pilates with Yogalates Fusion at home.

outdoor yogalates fusion workout

II. Important postures and exercises for a balanced Yogalates practice

If you prefer a versatile home fitness program, the Plank Pose, which combines elements of yoga and Pilates, is an excellent choice.

This key position not only trains your core muscles, but also helps to improve your posture and, through the whole-body challenge, poor and strengthen legs.

The Plank Pose forms the basis for the balance between all elements of your Yogalates practice and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the best of both disciplines without leaving home.

Roll out your mat, get into plank pose and get ready to feel the fire as you master Yogalates in your own home studio!

2.1. The Pilates-inspired plank pose with leg raises

In conclusion, the Pilates-inspired variation of the plank pose with leg raises will add an extra level of dynamism to your pure yogalates program.

This trick will test your stability and help you develop your body's strength. At the same time, you will benefit from improved coordination and increased muscle endurance in a way that one-sided training cannot.

The integration of aspects of both sports creates the character of a workout that fully embraces both the spiritual and physical aspects.

The result is a feeling of outstanding fitness, impeccable coordination and an unexpected surplus of energy.

So be ready to add plank leg lifts to your resistance repertoire the next time you hit the mat – your body will gratefully reward you for the loosening up!

Yogalates courses

Attend one of our Yogalates courses. Simply book via the Templeshape app.

III. Breathing techniques for a better connection between mind and body

The importance of appropriate breathing to connect movement and breath flow, for a deeper immersion in the movement and a stronger anchoring of the movement in the consciousness, is emphasized again and again in both yoga and Pilates.

This is particularly evident in Yogalates training, where the fusion of both disciplines highlights the role of conscious breathing for peak performance.

By consciously focusing on your breathing, you can intensify the overall experience in the studio and set the pace even better during your training sessions.

So, next time you go to the Yogalates Studio to consciously breathe in and allow this flow of oxygen to carry you through each pose with grace and ease.

3.1. Pranayama: breathing exercises for more energy and concentration

The breathing exercises within the concept of Pranayama in yoga emphasize the effects of different breathing techniques on the nervous system, the possible gain in concentration and the potentially increased energy, which can create a deeper connection between mind and body.

In athletic yoga, which also includes yogalates, it is therefore important to always keep going.

By focusing your attention on the rhythm of your breath, you can move seamlessly through a variety of movements that increase your strength and endurance, developing a lightness that seems almost effortless.

3.2. Breath-guided pranayama techniques

This breath-guided Pranayama, i.e. the conscious control of breathing, can not only strengthen your physical vitality globally, but also promotes the nervous system and, last but not least, inner peace.

So, whether you are an experienced yogi or a Pilates fan, never underestimate the power of your breathing to create a better experience during your Yogalates practice.

Air Yogalates achieves this excellently, especially in the context of a conscious use of breathing techniques.

3.3. Connection between breath and movement

By focusing on deep, controlled breaths, you can more effectively engage your core muscles, maintain stability during pose changes, and create awareness that extends beyond the mat.

The goal is not only a strong relationship between you and your body, but also a commitment to fulfillment that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the practice session while elegantly combining the strengths of both yoga and Pilates.

3.4. Air Yogalates and the power of breathing

If you really want to take your fitness exercises to a professional level, Air Yogalates is a good option, where you can almost physically feel the connection between breath and movement.

By consciously using your breath, you can create a deeper connection between mind and body, helping you get the most out of your Yogalates practice.


IV. Tips for perfect alignment and form during the Yogalates Fusion Workout

It is important in the Yogalates Fusion workout to align the joints correctly in order to avoid the risk of injury and to maximize the desired benefits of the individual poses.

Make sure that your feet are hip-width apart and that your Back before a yoga or Pilates position.

Because you don't just want to strike a pose for the photo album, you want to feel the burning in the right place and not end up on the chiropractor's couch.

So, pull your shoulders back, tighten your lower abdomen and don’t forget the most important thing: BREATHE.

4.1. Strength and form in harmony

It's not about who can bend the furthest, but about feeling when strength and form come together to create a harmonious flow of movement.

Focus on keeping your abdominal muscles engaged throughout the workout to protect your back from unnecessary strain and to ensure you have enough stability to transition seamlessly from a yoga to a Pilates exercise.

Strong abdominal muscles are not only important when you start your daily yogalates program at home, but are an absolute must to keep your body evenly aligned and in balance.

4.2. The central role of the abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles are the basis for promoting the capabilities of the entire musculature and improving posture.

It also has a preventive effect against injuries and supports healthy posture.

So, don’t forget the next Yogalates exercises: lower Belly leave tense.

You will feel the difference.

4.3. Breathing and body position

What would a professional yogalates exercise be without the convenience of being able to do the sport at home?

Don’t forget to breathe and always pay attention to your body position during the exercises.

Paying attention to your form during the yoga-Pilates hybrid can be a profound mental, physical and breathtaking experience for you.

Whether you're working out in the studio or at home, pay attention to your body awareness and breathing so you can reap the benefits of this dynamic discipline.

It will be worth it!

4.4. Your personal Yogalates regime

When creating your own yogalates routine at home, consider your fitness level and goals.

A cool way to start is to start with some Pilates and yoga exercises that are not too difficult but still provide some challenge.

Here and there, the targeted positioning of body parts, for example in the Cat position, which increase effective tension in the abdominal muscles.

Remember: It's all about finding the right balance for you.

So don’t be afraid of change.

Keep moving and don’t forget to enjoy your time!

At the end of the training session, you should feel in every muscle that you are strong enough to tackle everyday challenges.

4.5. Flexibility and strength through quality

To master this discipline at home, you must be able to analyze and control your success, fitness level and the specific constitution of your body.

By monitoring your personal progress, you can work on your daily needs and energy supply.

Feel free to experiment a little, because the variety of exercises offers a lot of variety for this type of discipline.

Remember that it is not so much the duration or intensity of an exercise that matters, but rather the quality of the movement and the concentration on each individual movement.

This mindful approach not only protects against potential injuries, but also ensures that your flexibility and strength can increase in a healthy way over time.

So, get out your mat, turn on the music and enjoy the journey of discovery to yourself through Yogalates at home.


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